
This Week: Congress Winds Down, Cyber Bill Makes Progress, and the Govs go to Wisconsin ...

By Mitch Herckis posted Jul 30,2013 03:55 PM


Key Takeaway:   Senate Commerce Moves Forward On Cyber
In a very positive sign, Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chairman Rockefeller (D-WV) and Ranking Member Thune (R-SD) introduced a bipartisan cybersecurity bill (
S.1353) last week, and intend to put a committee stamp of approval later today.  The bill will provide Congressional authorization for the ongoing development of a voluntary cybersecurity framework, as well as bolstering cyber workforce development, education, research and development, and public awareness activities.  The bill has many pieces of what NASCIO considers necessary in a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy, but other committees will need to act for a truly comprehensive bill.

Other Buzz:

Congress Winds Down With a Whimper

The week prior to summer recess used to be a flurry of legislative activity.  Despite numerous hearings on vital issues for state CIOs such as cybersecurity and health insurance exchanges, little of substance is getting through either chamber.  The inevitable showdowns over the debt limit and spending bills will occur after the recess. The good news: we have a month off from Congressional drama; the bad news: political drama will likely continue.

Governors meet in Wisconsin

If it gets quiet around your office over the course of the week, perhaps your Governor has headed to Milwaukee for the National Governors Association’s Summer Meeting. Official business will conclude on Sunday with a closing session on cybersecurity, where Governors will hear from Matt Devost, president and CEO of the Terrorism Research Center.  Also of interest, the opening session will include a session on state tools for health care cost containment with Dr. Jeffrey Brenner, founder and executive director of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers.  The meeting runs August 1-4; you can play “Governor: the Home Game” by watching live on C-SPAN.

Questions?  Comments?  Ideas of how to spend our weekend other than watching NGA on C-SPAN or our August without Congress? Send e-mails to or


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