
Effects of budget cuts on police operations

By Timothy Brett posted Jun 27,2012 12:14 PM


Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports.

In the wake of a financial crisis, many public safety departments are grappling with reduced budgets while still trying to uphold current operations. The reliance on new and innovative technology has greatly assisted in these efforts by improving crime prevention and lowering operation costs. The heavy dependence on more proactive measures to identify and prevent crime, such as predictive analytics, has allowed departments to allocate resources more efficiently and thus find ways to supplement the number of personnel needed.


Personnel costs can be extremely difficult for departments to maintain, especially when budgets are being cut. In the last 20 to 30 years, governments across the United States years have increased overall spending on policing, which has left many localities wondering how they are going to pay for a rise in costs. Therefore, trying to achieve the same or better results with fewer resources remains a challenge.

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