
Celebrating National Purchasing Month: 2011 procurement review

By Timothy Brett posted Mar 22,2012 09:43 AM


Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports.

Deltek has been tracking and working to improve state and local government purchasing for more than 10 years. To celebrate National Purchasing Month, we have provided analysis of different procurement strategies, expenditure reviews (and another), and now we take a look at 2011’s nationwide state and local government procurement numbers to identify regional and government-level trends.
A lot of effort in state and local procurement these days is put toward identifying commonalities between purchasing entities to find efficiencies through shared services, cooperative purchasing, and consistent procurement codes. When considering there are more than 80,000 state and local government units that historically did their own thing, this is a welcomed and necessary endeavor to assist governments in procurement streamlining and consolidation. Despite the similarities of our state and local governments, it is a big country out there, and when reviewing 2011 procurements, it is beneficial to look at the different components that make up this huge market.
For the complete blog, go here.
