
A grim future for state mental health services

By Timothy Brett posted Dec 28,2011 07:27 AM


Deltek Analyst Aila Altman.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) released a report in November that drew light to the impacts of continued state funding cuts to mental health services and, subsequently, states’ ability to provide services to individuals with mental illness. While strapped budgets and slashed expenditures are commonplace in today’s economy, it’s important to note funding cuts for mental health services are not solely due to the recession; they’ve actually been on the chopping block since the 1980s.

Mental health facilities are not the only ones taking a hit. Due to the increasing lack of mental health facilities and availability of services, the mentally ill are being pushed to emergency rooms, homeless shelters and jails. Additionally, the nation’s grim economy, high unemployment rate, and unstable fiscal outlook all contribute to more and more individuals seeking mental health treatment, which further widens the gap between the availability of services and those who need them.

For the complete blog, go here.

