
Good news details: All-state IT budget vertical analysis (2010-2013)

By Timothy Brett posted Sep 23,2011 07:38 AM


Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports.


As part of our analysis of state IT budget data, Deltek has published vertical analyses and projections of health care, social services, justice, public safety, and homeland security. Also, we have published vertical IT budget analyses of some of the larger states (California, New York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Massachusetts, Illinois, North Carolina, Michigan, and Virginia). However, we have yet to publish overarching analyses and projections of IT verticals across all states. In fact, even with all of our budget publications, we have yet to focus any articles in their entirety on state IT. As part of Deltek’s all-state budget analysis series, this article launches a sub-series of all-state IT budget vertical analysis and projection.


Previous analyses and projections (linked above) have demonstrated several key points. First, from FY 2009-2011, state budgets (all-funds, overall budgets) increased at an abnormal rate. Second, FY 2012 is the first projected overall state budget loss since Deltek began tracking in FY 1987. Third, and most promising for the business community, all indicators show that bloodletting should stop in FY 2013, with budgets flattening and then beginning an upward trend. With these key points on overall budgets in mind, the picture of overall all-state IT budgets becomes clearer. Importantly, IT budgets for FY 2012 show an increase of 3.12 percent. To be succinct, this is fantastic news for the IT vending community (see table 1).


For the complete blog, go here.

